Friday, March 20, 2020

Marvo Scorpion CM370

Well... I forgot to record below pictures from my video. So.. ummm... yeaa... I included them here..:D

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Bluestack Setting For Dino Tamers

Well when I play dino tamers using bluestack it was always freezed or crash. So I need to restart my dinotamer again and again to play it. Sometime I restarted it untul 11 times @_@ Oh my goosh... But after change the setting of my bluestack, I finally can play it smoothly. And my bluestack setting is shown below

I hope above setting is also working well to your bluestack. Thank you... ;-)

Poipo Guild Level Title GP Range

Trial --> 0 - 2k GP Special Forces --> 2k - 7.7k GP / Total > 10kGP First Commander --> Total >= 20k GP Captain --> Total ...